Year-Round Flea Control: Protecting Your Home and Pets

HomeBlogYear-Round Flea Control: Protecting Your Home and Pets

In North Carolina, flea infestations are a year-round problem, making flea control an ongoing endeavor. It may surprise you that the height of flea season for infestations is the fall months. Here are some tips to ensure your flea control measures are in place.

Year-Round Flea Control: Protecting Your Home and Pets

  • Use Flea Prevention Products for Pets. Flea prevention products, such as topical treatments, collars, and oral medications, can help protect your pets from fleas year-round. These products kill fleas on contact or prevent fleas from laying eggs and should be used as directed by your veterinarian. The most common flea species in North Carolina are the dog flea and cat flea. Both have a prolific lifecycle and irritate pets and humans.
  • Vacuum Regularly. Frequently vacuuming your home can help remove fleas and their eggs from carpets, rugs, and furniture. Be sure to clean areas where pets spend time, such as their bedding, and dispose of the vacuum bag or contents outside to prevent fleas from re-entering your home.
  • Wash Pet Bedding and Linens. Fleas love to live where your pet sleeps and feeds. Washing your pet’s bedding, blankets, and other linens can help eliminate fleas and their eggs. Use hot water and a high-heat dryer cycle to kill fleas. Consider adding a flea treatment product to the wash cycle for added protection.
  • Treat Your Yard. Fleas typically prefer living in shaded, humid areas, where pets play and rest. Only a few fleas are needed to become a flea infestation eventually. Fleas hitch a ride on your pet or you to get inside your home. We can provide ongoing flea control services to minimize the establishment of fleas in your yard.
  • Seal Entry Points. Sealing entry points in your home, such as doors and windows, can help prevent fleas from entering your home. With more than three decades of combined flea control experience, our team can identify and seal areas where fleas can come into your home.
  • Hire a Flea Control Professional. At The Dead Pest Society, we will meticulously inspect your home and yard for fleas and provide treatments to eliminate the infestation and prevent future infestations. Contact us today to set up a flea control plan for your home.