3 Signs that You Need Flea Control [infographic]

HomeBlog3 Signs that You Need Flea Control [infographic]

If you have a dog, cat, or other furry pet, then you already know how important it is to get them treated for fleas on a regular basis. However, in some cases, treating your pet for fleas may not be enough to keep them out of your home–and what’s more, these pests can make their way into your home even without a pet to carry them there. Fortunately, if you are experiencing a flea problem, our team at The Dead Pest Society is here to help. In this article, we’ll go over three signs that you need our expert flea control services.

3 Signs that You Need Flea Control

  1. Your Pet Scratches a Lot. The most obvious sign that you need flea control is a change in your pet’s behavior–specifically, if they seem to be scratching a great deal, or at least more than usual, you probably have a flea problem. Take your furry friend to the vet, then call our team to get rid of any fleas that may be lurking in your carpets or upholstery.
  2. You’ve Never Had Home Flea Treatments. Our team also recommends having professional flea control treatments done on your home if it’s been a while since you last did so, or if you’ve never had your property treated at all. The same way that a pest control expert can apply preventative treatments to keep ants and other insects out of your home, our team can provide similar treatments against fleas.
  3. Your Yard is Inviting to Fleas. Lastly, if your yard creates conditions that are ideal for fleas, then you should have our team apply flea control treatments as a preventative measure. Specifically, fleas thrive in shady, humid conditions, especially if there is a nearby source of water–if your yard has plenty of shade and moisture, we encourage you to give us a call to discuss your flea control options.

3 Signs that You Need Flea Control [infographic]