Recognizing the signs of a pest infestation early can save you a lot of trouble and expense. Whether you’ve heard scratching or buzzing in the walls or noticed property damage, knowing when to call an exterminator is crucial. Here are four common signs that you need to call an exterminator.
- Droppings and Urine: Finding droppings or urine stains is a clear indication of wildlife in your home. Droppings are often found in cupboards and behind appliances. They may vary in size and shape depending what critter they are from, but identifying the droppings can help you narrow down what pest is in your home and determine how to deal with the problem.
- Visible Damage and Nests: If you notice claw or teeth marks on furniture, walls, or wiring, it’s a strong sign of rodents or other pests. They chew to keep their teeth sharp and create nesting spaces. You may want to keep an eye out for nests in or around your home. Look in secluded areas like the attic, basement, and garage for wood shavings and nesting materials.
- Unusual Noises and Odors: Hearing scratching, scurrying, or buzzing sounds within your walls or attic typically indicates an infestation. Rodents and insects often make these noises as they move and build nests. Similarly, most pests leave behind foul, musty odors. It’s best to call an exterminator right away if you are hearing or smelling pests in your home.
- You See a Pest: If you’ve locked eyes with a mouse or you’ve seen a cockroach crawling on the ceiling, you need to call an exterminator right away. If there is one or two, there may be many more hidden in the walls or attic.