After receiving a pest control treatment, many of our clients ask us whether or not cleaning their homes will hinder the effectiveness of the service. Fortunately, you can clean your home after the treatment has dried, and as pest control experts, we encourage you to do so.
At The Dead Pest Society, our technicians are extensively trained in safety protocols and the proper ratios of pesticides. We take your safety and the safety of your pets and children very seriously and work to ensure no incidental pesticide contact during the pest control treatment process. Here are a few reasons cleaning your home after pest control is a good idea:
- Get Rid of Food and Water for Pests. Cleaning your home after pest control helps keep pests from returning by removing their food source, home, and water access. However, following the technician’s instructions on how long to wait before cleaning is crucial. Be sure to throw away any uncovered food during the pest control treatment and wash any dishes and utensils left out. Pesticides can make insects thirsty, so eliminate standing water outside your home and dry your sinks, bathtubs, and liquid spills.
- Prevent Incidental Contact with Chemicals. Cleaning your home after the treatment has dried is one of the most effective ways to prevent incidental contact with the chemicals. This can help protect you, your children, and your pets from harm.
- Eliminate the Allergens and Diseases Pests Bring In. Finally, cleaning your home after pest control is essential for maintaining a healthy living environment. Pests can carry diseases and allergens that can risk your health. By eliminating problems and cleaning your home thoroughly, you can ensure that your home is a healthy and safe place to live.
Our team of experts is ready to help you regain control of your home and eliminate unwanted pests. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.